Monday, July 12, 2010

An Impossible Dream

The twilight brought with it memories of a time

Forgotten in a maze of proud silences and wistful longing.

If only I could reach out and release the sands

If only I had taken a chance, if only.

Now there is only numbness profound

And confused cobwebs of wherefores and what-ifs.

The mind harks back to an impossible dream

A dream that I bore, nurtured and laid to rest.

A dream made beautiful by thy gossamer touch.

A dream that remained merely that.

Though far be thou from me,

Though adorn thou another’s sky,

Though I may only be a vague, distant thought to thee,

(or not even that, but only a no-body)

O, jewel of my impossible dreams!

To thee I pledge my undying love.