Thursday, June 17, 2010

Of JD's Appletini, poaching & pitching, grease paint and flea markets

Right. I have taken to blogging once more, after a drought of about two years. As with everything else, my fascination for the weird and unconventional extends to the cyberspace too. So, do pardon the abrupt, seemingly unconnected , non-linear narratives, which (I sincerely assure) will culminate into comprehension, like Guy Richie movies.

JD: ab. Jane Doe (also see John Dorian, Scrubs and J.D. Salinger, Catcher in the rye, The). There. That should put an end to the inquisitive pings. I kind of want to try Appletini. Know where I can find it?

So, WIMNI has been buzzing with more than it's fair share of activity, with a third of the star-struck, wet-behind-the-ears freshmen who've already erupted upon our quiet environs. And I don't mean 'erupt' in a disrespectful way. It's just that the shock and suddenness of finding ourselves as people to whom other human beings look for advice on anything from academics to lizard troubles, is a little over-whelming. Not to mention the assault of new faces and names (a ginormous 420 of them), the empty food containers (because one wakes up late for a class and finds one's breakfast options severely curtailed to 2 ounces of milk and horse grams. Taklu was understandably wild), the jam-packed mess tables...the list goes on.

With the advent of these young 'uns, other, er, activities have consequently seen a meteoric rise as has the stock of the freshmen fairer sex (who will henceforth be known as, valuable things in short supply). For instance, there's this really prestigious event in November, for which both the Freshmen and final year students team up. Ergo, senior teams have been fighting tooth and nail to snag the "right fit" Freshman. What "right fit" is, is a million dollar question. Of course, as with most valuable things in short supply, the valuable things in short supply call the shots. So, you could be Warren Buffet or Seth Godin and have unimitable credentials, but the Ladies Luck will smile benignly upon the rugged/boyish charm of a random rake.Sigh.

Grease Paint:
I'm super excited about being part of this play staged by our theatre group. I generally exude as many emotions as a lamp-post, but this should be a welcome change. As The Boss said, from a singing diva to an emerging actress. Us blushed and mumbled "aww, shucks", my precious.

Flea Market:
In the interest of evoking student interest, thinking out-of-the-box and such kookiness, our profs here have resorted to a variety of scatter-brained antics. The latest one was a compulsary visit to a local flea-market to "understand unorganized retail" and "apply lessons to Mordern Trade" or something to that effect. By unorganized, I mean roofless, shifty, fly-by-night operators in the flea market. Sigh. I wonder how we could have achieved the objectives with the delicious smells of road-side junk food wafting through the air and making any sort of research impossible. I made best use of the time and bought a jhola and a terracota Durga. Research be damned. But I loved the thrill of the haggling- it made me a little sad in the end, because I realized that the proprietors of these establishments hardly make any money. Curly bought sunglasses quoted at Rs. 350 for Rs. 50. They say "Ray Bun" though. But you can't make out the difference unless you look very closely. And Curly has other attributes to draw attention away from the contraband glasses. e.g. uber-cool, rock-star like, unkempt hair.

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